
Collaborative Data Compass®

Just like a compass guides explorers through unknown territories, dScribe's data compass helps you navigate your organization’s data and knowledge.

Seamlessly integrating with your company's data tools, dScribe automates data inventorization and simplifies documentation, ensuring valuable information is easy to locate and understand.



data discovery, documentation & collaboration


fluently through your expanding data landscape


users across the organization to collaborate around data


the effectiveness of your data documentation


accurate interpretation of data and KPIs

Unlock your data knowledge

Explore. Collaborate. Use.

Unified Data, People and Knowledge

Establish a central, collaborative environment for exploring, understanding and accessing reports, datasets, KPI definitions, data documentation and more.

For an overview of our out-of-the-box integrations, see here.

Unified data people and knowledge

Endless Exploration

Never let a good dataset go to waste! A global search bar, ecommerce-like browsing, graph-based exploration, personal recommendations... All at your users' fingertips to help them explore the content most valuable to them.

Don't miss out on valuable assets: personal recommendations

Let’s keep it simple: a single search bar for all your assets

Ecommerce-like browsing experience to explore relevant results

Effortless Collaboration

Enable your teams to collaborate effectively in identifying useful data, documenting BI reports and harmonizing data definitions.

Effective Documentation

Leverage source integrations, automations and generative AI to make reports and data meaningful for your colleagues, with a lot less effort. No need to document everything from scratch.

Automated classifications, streamlining repetitive tasks and saving you time to focus on higher-value activities

A complete and always up-to-date inventory of your reports and datasets, no matter which source they are stored in

Intuitive contributions to the available documentation

Access From Anywhere

Enable your teams to collaborate effectively in identifying useful data, documenting BI reports and harmonizing data definitions.


A path paved toward your data, guided by us.

Set your data in motion

Take the opportunity to try our solution in your own environment, with direct access to one of our product experts to help maximize your value.