Microsoft SQL

Discovering and comprehending your SQL table or view you require has been simplified by dScribe.

Description of the connector

Searching for the right data within a data warehouse to address your specific data inquiries can be a challenging task. By connecting with dScribe, you can access a robust search capability that streamlines the process of locating the information you require. Additionally, you can provide clear explanations about the dataset's content, helping to restore end-user confidence in their data.

Connector highlights

Lineage detection

We automatically trace the lineage between your tables and views, allowing you to track the entire data flow seamlessly. But our capabilities don't end there, we extend this lineage tracking to encompass a diverse range of reporting tools, making it effortless to determine the datasets your reports are using and conduct comprehensive impact analyses.

Discoverable & clear

We unveil all your Microsoft SQL data assets and enhance them with a robust search experience. Seamlessly navigate through filters to efficiently acquire the knowledge you seek. Beyond discoverability, we enrich your assets with valuable business context, providing a crystal-clear understanding of their purpose.

Centralize source metadata

We consolidate all information about your asset onto a single page. Simply open a table to discover details such as its creator, modification history, and the schema in which it resides.

Columns included

For each dataset, we capture every column, presenting their data type and timestamps for creation and updates. With dScribe, you can provide clear explanations for the significance of your dimensions and measures.

Setting up a SQL connection with dScribe

dScribe integrates seamlessly with your SQL environment. Activating the out-of-the-box connector is easy with our step-by-step documentation.