
Unlock the full potential of Tableau, boost adoption and increase data understanding

Description of the connector

Boost your organization's Tableau adoption with intuitive access, perzonalized recommendations and effective documentation of your data & visualisations.

dScribe automatically gathers your Tableau metadata to provide a consolidated view of your data sources, sheets, workbooks, and dashboards, including their data lineage.


Tableau plugin

Tired of constantly having to learn or switch between tools? We got you.

The dScribe browser plugin is directly embedded into Tableau. From now on, you can effortlessly access all the essential information about your dashboards and data without ever leaving your Tableau environment. With just one click, gain a comprehensive understanding of each asset, including its dataset lineage and validation status.

Data lineage

"My report is broken", "What data is being used here?", "If I change this dataset, what dashboards will be impacted?" ...

Context matters. When it comes to data, none more than data dependencies. Our Tableau integration allows you to trace how data flows from start to finish: from data source to worksheet to dashboard.

Effortless data discovery

dScribe provides comprehensive visibility into all your Tableau assets, enhancing your users' data discoverability experience with a top notch search experience. Our platform not only makes assets discoverable, it also augments them with valuable business context, ensuring a crystal-clear understanding of each asset's purpose, stakeholders and status.

Centralize source metadata

We gather comprehensive details about your Tableau assets, including their creation and modification history, descriptions, certification flags and source types. All to ensure a thorough and up-to-date overview of every bit of your data assets.

Setting up a Tableau connection with dScribe

dScribe integrates seamlessly with your Tableau environment. Activating the out-of-the-box connector is easy with our step-by-step documentation.