Power BI

Time to level up your Power BI value! Increase user adoption, organize and document content and reduce duplicate versions.

Description of the integration

Our Power BI integration automatically catalogs new reports, apps and datasets across workspaces. Each cataloged asset comes with valuable information like contacts, update history, data lineage, calculated measures... plus additional insights such as related KPI and data definitions and potential duplicate assets.

Combine your powerful Power BI platform with our data knowledge add-on and your users will never skip a beat again, with easy access and a clear understanding of all Power BI-driven insights relevant to them.


Power BI plugin

"Oh no, not another tool..."

No indeed: the dScribe browser plugin is directly accessible in Power BI. From now on, all it takes to understand the context of any report is a single click on the dScribe compass:

Data lineage

"My report is broken", "What data is being used here?", "If I change this dataset, what dashboards will be impacted?" ...

Context matters. When it comes to data, none more than data dependencies. Our Power BI integration allows you to trace how data flows from start to finish: from Power BI App to Report to Dataset to underlying data source.

Meaningful metadata

dScribe automatically collects useful information about your Power BI asset, including creation and update history, contributors, workspace, calculations, validation status and dependencies.

DAX expression, anyone?

"How is this field calculated"?

dScribe detects all measures and dimensions available in each dataset. Are you a fan of DAX formulas? We use them too! However, being able to interpet them is not always easy. Allowing you to provide clear explanations in dScribe helps clarify the meaning of your dimensions and measures for effective use.

Give it a try!

Let's put ideas into action! Get free access to dScribe and try out this integration. Not very technical? No worries, we'll help you set it up so you can focus on the fun bit.